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Abiotic Feautres

Here are some abiotic factors of the Serengeti. This basically means non-living features of it that affects the environment, like soil and altitude!


Since the Serengeti is along the equator, it’s warm and dry. On average, about 500ml of rain falls on the Serengeti. Cooler season? June to October. The rainy season lasts from early March to May.


The soil in the Serengeti is red. Want to know why? The reason is because the soil is full of Iron. Soil in the Serengeti is usually brown and dusty. It’s actually not nutrient-rich because the long dry season doesn’t allow the dead organic matter to completely break down.  A funny thing is, to the eastern end of the Serengeti National Park, there is woodlands there! Reason for that, is because of the nutritious volcanic soil due to the volcanoes.


Altitudes in the Serengeti range from 920 to 1850 meters the average annual temperature ranges from 17C to 27C. To put that in comparison, the elevation for port maquarie is about 5m.



Physical rather than biological. That means it doesn't come from living organisms.


Relating to or resulting from living oranisms.

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